In order that the African Methodist Episcopal Zion church may conform more closely to the spirit and mission of the ministry of our Lord; and employ the most effective means for the accomplishment of the chief end of the gospel – the salvation of souls.
In order that the Church may more vigorously promote and apply the moral and spiritual agencies by which persons are rescued from sin and trained for heaven.
In order that a more inviting opportunity may be given our ministers to use their evangelistic gifts more frequently in conducting revivals; and to systematize the work of evangelism among the ministry.
Under the authority of the Board of Evangelism, the mission of the Bureau of Evangelism is to exercise general control over the field of evangelism; to promote revivals of religion throughout the territory occupied by the Church; to revitalize and restore the waste places of our Zion; to equip ministers and laity in the ministries of evangelism and discipleship; to foster church growth in existing congregations; and to assist in the planting of new societies.
The Discipline of the A. M. E. Zion Church sets forth the following points of emphasis:
The Department of Evangelism shall be continually vitalized with ample administration and adequate budget.
Every pastor is directed to undertake an annual evangelistic quota.
Lay evangelism shall be emphasized in every parish and the Lay Council shall make evangelism its primary program.
Every Sunday Church School shall emphasize “Decision Day” annually, in October and also undertake an evangelistic quota for active membership in the church school.
Every class leader will be appointed and sustained in office on the basis of his or her individual evangelistic efforts.
Every trustees and steward must give evidence of his or her desire, ability, and practice of witnessing to the gospel of the kingdom of God in and beyond their environs.
Every church should have an annual crusade for a month or more for new church members. Coaching, literature, promotional material, and uniformity of approach being furnished by the Department of Evangelism.
Church Growth and Development
Mark 16:15
“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.’ ”
God wants us to tell everyone about Jesus and His sacrifice. And by everyone, He says the word “whole,” which means that God came for ALL of us, every person in every nation.
Dr. Eleazar Merriweather
Executive Director of Church Growth & Development
Rev. E. Kenneth Wells
Conference Director Board of Evangelism
Rev. Beatrice Smith
District Director Board of Evangelism
Rev. Vanessia Holland
Rev. Anthony Packer
Rev. David Gilchrist
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